Thursday, June 23, 2011


How Technology Has Been Creating Awareness to our Societies
Awosusi Oluwatope
May 1, 2007
One can't argue the fact that science and technology has helped us so much in our daily activities . Gone are the days when we spend hours reading without the aid of science and technology.
I am presently a teacher and a student and I like spending my time learning . I have developed various ways of learning for myself but I have discovered that pupils, students and people general who learn with advance modern technology usually learn faster and do better than those who spend hours reading printed materials.
I take myself as an example I have been learning animation and modeling with the help of a computer which has access to Internet connection . Animation and modeling are still new to Africans. I wouldn't have been able to learn effectively without science and technology. Today, I am a member of most top 3d web sites and I easily get online help if I encounter any problem when learning. I have not made any penny from learning those things but I have been sharing my works with most of the web sites that I am a member. I am proud to say that - I am not just a teacher but an animator and 3d artist. Kindly browse through my profile to see some of my works.
With the experience that I have gotten as a teacher I have discovered that students and pupils do not spend much time reading any longer . Within me, I am not doubting that the standard of education has fallen in all part of the world. They are many reasons for this.
We make our societies more and more attractive everyday with the help of science and technology. That is a good idea but we must train the young ones to make good use of all these new innovations so that they can grow up to be better citizens of their countries.
Combination of ENACTIVE LEVEL and INCONIC LEVEL will help in producing good results in our primary schools and secondary schools. Let me shear more light about these two learning experiences:
ENACTIVE LEVEL: These are direct experience through observation . This is a situation in which a child manipulates materials directly. He or she is actively involved in the learning process. Learning experiences at this level are: direct purposeful experiences', contrived experiences, dramatized experiences, demonstration, field trips and exhibits
ICONIC LEVEL: At this level the child deals with mental images of objects. This means that the he or she is expected to have developed some experiences related to the concept to be taught. Learning experiences at this level are acquired through: television, motion pictures, animation, recording, radio and still pictures.
Emphasis should be laid on ICONIC LEVEL because when pupils and students see and hear (audio-visual) about what they are learning ;this makes learning to be permanent and stay in their long term memories.
Many schools have taken the advantage of Internet which will really help them to make research in different fields. This has also helped African scientists to know more about latest development in their fields.
Foreign investors have been coming to African continent so that Africans can enjoy some advance technology. Communication companies in African countries have been increasing the level of awareness and have been creating jobs for large population of Africans.
Creating awareness with science and technology is a project that every individual must face with seriousness. We should also educate our young ones about new development so that they will not be far away from light.
Finally, our generation has created forum for every individual to attain information in all fields; we can do better if we reach out to those who are not privileged to these new innovations.

From the article entitled “How Technology has been Creating Awareness to our Society” by Awosusi Oluwatope. It can be clearly predicted that technology already played a huge role in our daily lives. In fact, most of the people nowadays were all dependent to these new gadgets. In connection with this matter, technology really helped a lot not only to those professionals out there but also to simple individuals like us. It accompanies students in doing their researches, home works and paper works more efficiently but with less effort. Also, it enables us to communicate with our loved ones in and out of the country. In addition, technology help us share knowledge to those people who’s awareness about technology were not as advance as what we are having in our own countries right now. It’s kind a good to hear how technology made our lives easier and more comfortable. Without it, we won’t be able to live our lives to the fullest. So, let us all share whatever we know about these modern gadgets to those unprivileged countries. Let us all lend a hand. And surely, we will all subsist our lives happy, peaceful, and at ease.

Child Labour and the Need for Education
Z, China
June 29, 2007

General questions have been laid out before me:
1. Employing a child in hazardous conditions is worse than employing an adult in hazardous conditions. Do you agree?
2. In places where child labour exists, should children be paid the same as adults?
3. Much of the food and drink we consume is produced by child labour in agriculture. What are your thoughts on this?
As I was thinking of how to answer these questions, I came to a point where I realized that these questions and reflections are only the tip of the iceberg. Yes, I do agree that employing children in hazardous conditions is worse than putting adults in a similar situation. But in a society where ones' education, rank, age, sex, and creed (unjustly) determines their work salary, how am I to answer the second question? Should children be paid the same as adults? My opinion on the matter is "no", they should not. Indeed, children in the labour force work in the same conditions as the adults and are employed to do the same job and labour for the same amount of hours; but giving equal payment would encourage parents to put their children in factories, since they would benefit more from it. It will not stop child labour; rather, it will increase.
I like to think of child labour as an offshoot of a larger branch, which is, in turn, the offshoot from another. What is the root of this problem?
Here in China, children are usually forced to work because they haven't a choice: their parents are too poor, the village has no school, a corrupted local government hoards the majority of the money that instead should have gone to the people.
Many farmers are forced off their land that will soon become part of a new highway project. Others leave because their land is no longer productive - which is usually caused by leeching and erosion. Some leave just because prospects in the city sound favourable. When they arrive to the city, they join the slums because there is no other place to go. Everyday they walk from slum to factory and back again. Many are unaware of the opportunities the city can provide; and if they are aware, they usually cannot partake of them. Schools are not free, and if a family cannot pay for the expenses, nobody will care, it's just "too bad for them". Therefore, they take their child to work beside them, or in another factory, so they can earn enough that might just put some bread on the table.
"Consider man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value" is a quote I have seen and heard frequently at home. Sometimes I hear it so often that I forget the underlying meaning of it. Today when I received an email from TIG on child labour, I immediately remembered the above mentioned verse, and concluded that the most important factor that will help us eradicate this malignant problem is education. Education, I thought, is the key to this problem! It is not the branches and twigs of the tree that are infected, but the trunk and the roots. If we cut off the branches this year, the problem will fall into abeyance and then arise with more vigour and strength the next year. Therefore, in order to destroy the problem, we must destroy the roots, and start anew.
In order to destroy the problem, we have to know WHAT the problem is. I myself haven't put much thought into it, but I believe it really has to do with the entire system. Society is like one big ecosystem. Everyone is affected by the actions of another. When a government is corrupted, what sort of a society do you expect them to build? A society where justice and equity reigns? If an organ in the human body is defective, can we expect the entire system to function smoothly? Therefore, we have to start from the grassroots and systematically provide education for every single child, whether they be of different race, sex, or creed. This is the duty of every government, and if the government does not have the means of providing all with education, its other organs (countries) must come and work together to make education possible. Children are like a mine rich in gems of inestimable value: in each child latently lies different talents and abilities and it is through education that they can discover them. When children are deprived of it, not only do they miss out on hundreds in opportunities in life, but we are all deprived.
Through proper education, children can learn the sciences and the arts and contribute to the betterment of society. These children who we see working hard hours in factories all have the potential to positively shape our world. We cannot expect fast results because we are dealing with century-long problems. However, we can slowly ameliorate the problem of child labour by making education available to more and more children.

Child labour is one of the major dilemma every country throughout the globe is facing. As a matter of fact, wherever we laid our eyes on, we can unquestionably see plenty of children at work. Each one of them were striving in order to survive. Well, according to Z’s article, i do agree that education is the best solution to this problem. Just imagine, if all young individuals will be given such a chance to go to school and be able to learn stuffs, probably child labour cases will be lessen. On the contrary, it’s not that easy to attain this said target. If only each government of every country would implement rules that would prohibit kids or teens go to work. Just like what Dr. Jose Rizal said, “The Youths are the Hope of our Motherland.” So let’s give them the chance to enjoy their lives as a kid.

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